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Impact Young Lives and Make a Difference as an Early Educator

AuthorFabian BaustistaTitleEarly Childhood EducatorLocationLa Escuelita ArcoirisShare

Being A Father and Educator

As a father of two and a teacher, the importance of early childhood education is a driving force in my life and career. I’m passionate about motivating young children and fostering a healthy attitude towards education. The people who work in this field are role models who set an example for their students and the future of the world. Teaching children self-confidence and security from a young age is critical. I believe that education starts in the home, and there are instances where students don’t have the privilege to get the proper experiences and education at home. Educators have the opportunity to serve as vital examples for students to follow.

Coming from an underdeveloped community in Mexico, I know that many of my peers were not given the same opportunities and resources as children from wealthier families in parts of my country. I grew up seeing how students can get caught up in the cycle of poverty due to the lack of education and positive examples.

With this in mind, I’m grateful that my career as an educator allows me to impact young lives and make a difference.

From Dad to Educator

I began working at my job to be close to my oldest son, Ian, during the day. Before I knew it, my daughter was old enough to be enrolled at the school, too. At that point, I had already experienced the love and support of the programs, and I fell in love with my work. The fact that I’ve been here for more than a decade now baffles me. After all of this time, my passion for early education has not changed a bit. 

La Escuelita Arcoiris

I’ve worked at La Escuelita Arcoiris for 15 years,

and there is never a dull moment. Each day, like each child, is unique. We value healthy communication and teamwork between the students, families, and staff.  Just like teachers need to connect with every individual student, it’s also important to build trust with the parents on a similar level so that both parents and teachers can rely on each other as resources. Escuelita is a strong community that pillars on the values of trust, communication, and education. 

We focus on the needs of the children and allow them to lead when it comes to learning. Our students are still in a very developmental stage in their lives. They are creative, and, at times they need to deviate from the lesson plan. They think outside of the box and are often motivated to learn outside of the classroom, sometimes in other environments like the park. It’s up to us to understand the mindset of a child and keep coming up with ways to foster curiosity and the love of learning.

Passionate Educators

Teaching is not just a job, it’s a calling. I work with a team of educators who genuinely care about the children and their futures.  I’ve seen my coworkers go above and beyond to create a foundational experience for these children. Having coworkers who genuinely care inspires me and gives me faith in the early education program and community that we’ve created. 

If we don’t have passionate educators, we are stunting the growth of our children. The field needs teachers who understand the value of creating personal connections and building relationships with students to create a culture of trust and security. I encourage anyone with a desire to make a positive difference in the lives of children to consider a career in early education. Explore the opportunities and look for programs that share your values. It’s one of the most rewarding parts of my life, and it could be for you, too.